Australian Gr.Champion PONDAROZA Ichiban Iku (Timmy)
Timmy on the move
Timmy Best of Breed at Perth Royal, 2015
Some Photos of Timmy's wins

Intermediate in Group September, 2014

October, 2014

Timmy winning Best Australian Bred in Group, May 2015

Timmy winning Runner Up Best in Group, July 2015

Timmy winning Best Open in Group, November, 2015

Timmy winning Runner Up Best in Group
Timmy winning Best Australian Bred in Group, 2015
Brisbane Ekka. August, 2015
Timmy winning at the Western Classic Show in Perth, in March 2016

This is Australian Champion PONDAROZA PONDAROZA Teikoku Kōtei (Zane)
Zane Reserve CC and Junior of Breed at Perth Royal, 2015

Zane - Runner Up Best in Group and Open In Group, 2016

Ariana winning Minor in Group.

Storm at his first cluster of shows at Yass, 2016
He won Best Baby in Group at all 3 shows
